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It is important that the workplace is a supportive and inclusive work environment. High levels of stress can disturb our hormone levels, which can impact our weight and lead to further mental and physical health issues related to obesity.

That's why we all need better policies, respect and action to build healthy workplaces for people living with obesity.  

Employers have an unprecedented opportunity to create healthier environments in formal, flexible or hybrid workplaces. It is not only about the physical workspace, but practical and emotional support.

Know the facts

There are many stigmatising assumptions made about people living with obesity. It is often presented as a lifestyle choice or a lack of willpower. The tired mantra to ‘eat less, move more’ fails to acknowledge that obesity is a disease and that there are many other factors.

If you want to support your colleagues effectively, you need to start by understanding what obesity is, which factors drive it and how to talk about it.

Our factsheets are ready to help you on your obesity inclusion journey.

Create healthy workplaces


for fostering a healthy workplace

Change office culture

People with obesity routinely face stigma at work.

This is most prevalent in unhealthy and stressful workplaces. You can help by creating a culture of health where all people feel supported in their wellbeing. Making these changes can also positively impact productivity, employee engagement, healthcare costs, staff retention, and company reputation.

Start with these tips on how to cultivate a healthy working culture and engage employees.

Read the tips

Create a healthy environment

A driving factor of obesity is the 'obesogenic environment' – when surroundings, opportunities or conditions of life influence obesity rates. Many people spend over half their waking day at work, so work environments play a key role in overall health.

It can be difficult to translate employee needs into effective health strategies. Rather than rely only on short-term incentives such as step counts and weight loss goals, create a physical and cultural environment that promotes good mental and physical health. Our recommendations will get you started.

Read our recommendations
Case Study Background


Find inspiration in others

Shift media guide - changing the narrative in Western Australia :

Communication professionals have the power and agency to play an influential role in fostering better public perceptions of obesity. It’s time to change the way we talk about obesity

Claire, Perth, Australia

Join our campaign

Employers have an influential role to play in addressing the systemic causes of obesity. That’s why we need more workplaces to pledge change and voice support. This World Obesity Day, join the conversation and make a lasting difference to global health.

  • Hold conversations with colleagues
  • Organise a workshop or training session
  • Print and display information
  • Spread the word on social media
  • Share your story
Find campaign tips and resources